Happy New Years Eve Eve! I can’t quite believe that the year’s almost over, it feels like it’s gone by so fast! Mind you, I think I say that every year. I was also slightly surprised to realise this blog’s been going for a whole year! During that time, I’ve revised and re-revised what I want this blog to be, and I think I’m finally starting to settle on what I want. Until I change my mind again.
I have to admit I’ve been a bit lax foodwise lately. What with going camping in Cohuna, and all the Christmas food, I’ve not been eating all the things I should, and have had a fair few things I shouldn’t. In my defense, you try saying no to one of my mum’s mince pies. Or for that matter, eating anything other than toast for breakfast when you’re living in a tent. Not possible, I tell you. But we’re back home now, back to civilisation and blenders, and all the mince pies are finished, so I have to start remembering that I can make things other than toast for breakfast.

Like a chocolate bananaberry smoothie! It’s dairy free, no added sugar, and tastes delicious. Just what I need to make me feel healthy again.
Chocolate Bananaberry Smoothie
Serves 1
- 1 1/2 bananas
- A handful of mixed berries (fresh or frozen)
- 1 – 2 tsp cocoa
- Dash of cinnamon
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 2 – 3 ice cubes (if using fresh berries)
Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!